Pet Stain Cleaning

Pet Odor

Pet odor is a very common problem. At The Steam Team we can help you deal with your pet challenges. From minor problems to major headaches The Steam Team can help find that solution that works best for you.

In many cases our normal cleaning process is all that is needed to correct minor pet problems. The powerful rinsing action of our cleaning system can effectively remove urine from carpet fiber.

The problem with pet odor is that it can be much deeper than it first appears at first. Pet urine can easily soak through the backing of the carpet into the padding underneath. In more severe cases the urine can penetrate into the sub-floor beneath the padding. This creates a problem that is multi-layered.

The urine also provides for the growth of bacteria. This in turn contributes to a worsening of the odor problem and can contribute to permanent color loss of the carpet fiber.